Less absence and more wellbeing - for employees and managers

Wellbeing-boosting lectures for your organization

What strategies work best when moving from stress to wellbeing? What can we as managers and employees do ourselves? And how do we as a company pave the way for both high wellbeing and great results? Get answers to the most important questions – based on data from thousands of stress sufferers.

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From stress to

  • Short-term stress is harmless - but without limits, it's deadly! That's why we as managers and employees need tangible and mental strategies that work in everyday life.

Avoid stress in your organisation

  • Data is a gift, and this also applies when we as managers and HR need to build an effective stress response. Why not utilise the tools and initiatives that we know work in practice?


  • Researchers have come to the conclusion that common sense is an illusion! So it's no wonder that emotions take over when the winds of change blow through the workplace.

From stress to wellbeing

Knowledge and strategies that work for most people.

Short-term stress is harmless – but without limits it is deadly! That’s why we as managers and employees need tangible and mental strategies that work in everyday life. Strategies that prevent work and change pressure, fast pace and unclear expectations from developing into lasting stressful situations that drain job satisfaction and prevent us from achieving our goals.

But which mental strategies actually work best when it comes to moving from stress to wellbeing?

Occupational psychology consultant and owner of Klausen HR, Kurt S. Klausen, work psychology consultant and owner of Klausen HR, Kurt S. Klausen, answers this question in this engaging talk. Direct, straightforward and based on a comprehensive data set from thousands of stress interviews with employees and managers, he reveals the mental strategies and tools that work – for most people.

The lecture offers:

  • Strategies and tools to counteract stress in everyday life – even when work pressure is high.
  • Strategies and tools for spotting stress in colleagues.
  • Knowledge about what works in practice – and not everything else!

The lecture puts wellbeing into a formula that is easy to understand. In no way to minimise the seriousness, but to show how far and how fast we can each move on the journey from stress to wellbeing.

Everyone has the right to a good working life without stress, and everyone can learn to regulate their own stress levels. Find out how in this uplifting and wellbeing-boosting talk, suitable for mixed groups of employees and managers.

Avoid stress in your organisation

The simple toolkit for effective stress prevention.

Data is a gift, and this also applies when we as managers and HR need to build an effective stress response. Why not utilise the tools and initiatives that we know work in practice?

That’s the main message of this inspiring and actionable talk.

Based on data from thousands of stress sufferers and work with organisations that are today’s frontrunners in the field of stress, occupational psychology consultant Kurt S. Klausen provides a unique insight. Klausen, provides a unique insight into a number of initiatives and strategies that can be used to promote employee well-being, efficiency, adaptability and co-operation.

The lecture offers:

  • Strategies and tools to spot a potential upcoming sick leave in an employee.
  • Strategies and tools to manage specific stress symptoms in employees.
  • A professional skills boost to increase wellbeing and performance.
  • A unique insight into the stress prevention measures that work – for the vast majority of organisations.

Working with stress prevention doesn’t have to be boring or expensive, but it is expensive not to. The maths is actually simple: One employee on long-term sick leave costs a company around DKK 1 million, and when more than one in five Danes feel stressed on a daily basis, there is a high risk that the million-dollar cost will end up with you.

Fortunately, this can be avoided, and this talk for managers and HR is the right place to start.


Change delights

It’s almost never as dangerous as you think!

Researchers have come to the conclusion that common sense is an illusion!

So it’s no wonder that emotions take over when the winds of change blow through the workplace. Change makes us feel unsafe, creates doubt about the future and our role in it. The good news is that change is almost never as dangerous as we think! Far more often, it’s a catalyst for development – both human and business.

In this inspiring talk for employees and managers, work psychology consultant Kurt S. Klausen takes his participants on a journey into the psychological mechanisms that play havoc with us when fear of change takes over. At the same time, he provides insight into exercises, mental strategies and tools that can be used to harness the fear – and give it a fair chance.

The lecture offers:

  • Processing tools for dealing with fear of change.
  • Strategies and exercises to break with destructive assumptions.
  • An understanding of the psychology behind change.

Change is a condition – the big question is how we as leaders, employees and organisations deal with it. Get inspiration, knowledge and tools in this talk.

Inspiration, knowledge and tools


Strategies, tools and exercises for employees and managers.

Be able to anticipate stress and spot the symptoms of stress.

Get hold of the tools that promotes wellbeing, productivity, collaboration and adaptability.

Specific strategies and coping tools to overcome fear of change.

Get ahead of new ESG standards that require increased focus on employee wellbeing.


With Kurt S. Klausen
  • Initial dialogue
  • Customised for you
  • Easy-to-use tools and exercises
  • Unique data insights from thousands of stress interviews

Use the formular below to send us your non-binding request about a lecture with Kurt S. Klausen. You’ll receive a quick reply with information such as date and price.

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Meet the expert

Via Klausen HR, he is currently associated with a number of large private companies such as Bestseller, EG, Marel, Ergonomic Solutions, Kvik, Stark, Eurowind Energy and Unika, and he has previously worked for the Danish Prison and Probation Service, where he has worked with the most difficult sickness absence cases.

Using data from thousands of conversations with stress sufferers, Kurt S. Klausen, together with his skilled employees, has put “wellbeing on a formula” and mapped the wellbeing-creating strategies that work – for most people. He reveals these strategies in his lectures for managers, HR managers and employees.

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