Cookie and privacy policy

By using this website, you agree to our cookie and privacy policy.

This website, like many others, uses cookies. Cookies enable us to provide a better user experience in the website’s features. Many features on the website depend on the use and storage of cookies, so you cannot expect the website to function properly if you disable cookies.

A cookie is a file that the browser places on your computer. It makes it possible to recognise your computer and remember choices you have previously made on the website, e.g. language choice. A cookie cannot spread computer viruses or other harmful programmes. Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit. The cookie cannot see who you are, what your name is, where you live or whether the computer is used by one or more people. However, if you provide personal information to a website, a cookie can be used to remember you for the next time you visit the website.

If you do not want to receive or delete cookies, see instructions here.

We use cookies for

When you visit the website, you are completely anonymous!

This means that we cannot and will not automatically collect or record information about you that can be used to identify you.

If you have filled out a form on Facebook or our website, you will be subscribed to our newsletter.

Then we will reward you with a personalised user experience in our newsletters. When you use the website, we get to know you so we can highlight your interests and send you relevant newsletters.

Functionality cookies to deliver the user experience on the website:
Active: Yes
First-party cookies: CakePHP

Anonymous user statistics:
Active: Yes
First-party cookies: Google Analytics, WordPress stats

Provision of social media service and advertising:
Active: Yes
First-party cookies: Facebook pixel, Doubleclick Ad Exchange buyer, Google Adwords User lists, Google Dynamic Remarketing

Delivery of personalised content and newsletters:
Active: Yes
First-party cookies: __en from Leadscore app

About personal information

Opt out of targeted marketing:

We never collect personal data without you providing us with this information. The information collected is not sold or disclosed to third parties. We collect digital information about your visit to our website in various ways. None of this information makes it possible to track you as a person, but only the computer from which you have gained access.

You can choose to submit your personal information to us online in different ways. Either by filling out a registration form online, by entering a competition, registering a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter.

You can also share your personal information with us by contacting one of our employees via email, phone or post.

When you submit your personal information, you allow us to contact you with a direct response to your enquiry or send you relevant information about us and our products.

Personal information is necessary to fulfil the purchase or service for which the information is collected.

According to the Personal Data Act, your personal information must be stored securely and confidentially. We store your personal information on computers with limited access that are located in controlled facilities. In addition, our security measures are continuously monitored to determine whether our user information is handled securely and with due regard for your rights as a user.

However, we cannot guarantee 100 per cent security when transferring data over the internet. This means that there may be a risk of others gaining unauthorised access to information when data is sent and stored electronically. You provide your personal data at your own risk.

To the extent that personal data about you is processed, you have the right, according to the Personal Data Act, to be informed of which personal data can be attributed to you. You have the right at any time to demand that your data be deleted from our database and from the services we use.

You may at any time object to the processing of your personal data. You can also withdraw your consent at any time. You have the right to complain about the processing of information and data concerning you. Complaints must be filed with the Danish Data Protection Agency, cf. section 58(1) of the Personal Data Act.

Sharing of personal information

We may receive your personal data from various parties.

This can happen, for example, in connection with the acquisition of a company where you are already a customer or if one of our partner companies provides us with your personal data. If you do not want us to use your personal data that you have not submitted to us yourself, you can inform us at the address below.We will only share your data with third parties in the following circumstances:

  • If we have sold you a product or offer you a service in a joint marketing campaign with other companies. In these cases, your personal data will be shared with those companies. We will always inform you that such a relationship exists and who these companies are before you register. Please note that these companies often have their own privacy policy that applies to the way they use your personal data. The privacy policies of these companies may differ from our privacy policy.
  • We sell our business to another company. Such a change of ownership may include a transfer to the buyer of your personal data if it is directly related to that business. We do not sell or disclose your personal data to third parties so that your personal data can be used for their purposes.

Our website may contain hyperlinks to other websites. You should carefully read the privacy policy of those websites as it may differ from our privacy policy.



When we at KLAUSEN LEARNING receive sensitive personal data, we immediately write back that the data has now been deleted and that the case will be processed anonymised.

At KLAUSEN LEARNING, we have a strong focus on data security. In the event that an email sent to KLAUSEN LEARNING contains personal data in accordance with GDPR, the email will immediately be permanently deleted and any dialogue will be moved to an encrypted email communication and/or to another digital meeting forum, such as a video meeting held via a supplier where the GDPR requirements are met, including that the server is located in Europe. Before permanent deletion, relevant data in the email will be transferred to a physical case file, which will be shredded after completion of the case processing and no later than 12 months from receipt of the email. The file is stored in locked filing cabinets during the ongoing process.

In general

At KLAUSEN LEARNING, we only have access to the data that is shared with us in connection with the assignment. This is limited to name, contact details, title (in the company) and data about behaviour on our platform.

We only use the data to get in touch with our customers and to follow the history and development of our platform so that we can offer and deliver an optimal product to our customers.

Questions and complaints

If you have any comments or questions regarding our information and/or processing of personal data, please feel free to contact us.

Digital programmes

We are the data controller of sensitive personal data and we use an external service to host our video courses. This service is a data processor in this context. This service is therefore subject to our data responsibility and we are entitled to request that they delete the data we have shared with them. Furthermore, as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation, they are obliged to comply with the GDPR. This has been confirmed to us by our provider.

If you want to know which service we use, you are always welcome to contact us. We have no interest in having your data if our co-operation ends. In that case, we have an internal procedure that requires us to delete all sensitive personal data at the end of the collaboration. This applies to the services we use.

In addition, you can always demand that your data be deleted from our database and from the services we use.

KLAUSEN LEARNING complies with GDPR and we believe in full transparency, however, we do not want to share business-critical information publicly. We would therefore ask you to contact us if you wish to have something explained in depth or if you have any other questions about how we process our data: